Just Feel Good

Is it enough on our law of attraction journey just to feel good and then let the details fall into place, or do we have to get clear and visualise and feel the exact details of what we want ?

Listen to this clip in the video below from one of our favourite law of attraction teachers Abraham-Hicks to get their take.

It’s got some golden nuggets of advice in it.

“Here’s the rule of thumb that we would apply,  ‘When we’re feeling good we would talk in detail of anything that we are feeling good about. And when we are not feeling good we would stop the talk. Go general. When you’re not feeling good don’t be specific.”

P.S. Check out this all new Masterclass hosted by The Secret’s John Assaraf.

It’s 100% free and the best part about this training is that it’s “on-demand” so you can watch it right now or choose a time in the next two days.

Watch it for free here.






*Image by Pexels on Pixabay*

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