Your Problems

“In every solution, there was first a poignant, and FABULOUS problem!

Solutions are born out of awarenesses of problems.

In other words, if you don´t allow yourself to explore the range of it, then you don´t get very far down the road!

There are a lot of things that you all have convinced yourself, that you shouldn´t allow yourself to experience, that are really the path to what you´re looking for.” – Abraham Hicks 🙏 🌏 ❤️ 💫

Let’s face it,for most of us on our law of attraction journey we tend to label our problems and ourselves for having them as wrong.

I should be doing better than this.

I thought I was past this.

I’ve messed up again.

But what if our problems are just part of the journey.

If not something to be embraced, maybe at least accepted as part of the unfolding.

That we are not off the path but right on it.

Right where we are supposed to be.

It would certainly take a lot of the angst and suffering out of it.

Our friend Eddie Sergey even came up with a term for it.

Gun-to-the-head manifesting lol.

How he discovered that his manifestation skills were amplified and became infinitely more powerful……when he simply had to use them !

When he had no choice but to manifest.

Check out the video here and discover how YOU can apply this powerful manifesting principle Eddie discovered, in just 15 minutes a day ( without having to go through the things Eddie did.)


Watch the video here  



*Image by Pexels on Pixabay*


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