The Power of Meditation

“Meditation is the closest process to quantum-leaping that we know. Quieting your mind quiets your resistance.Quiets your thoughts, quiets resistance. And it puts you in sync with who you really are! Deep breathing is a BIG part of your WELL-BEING. It is the current that carries the vitality to the cells. And so, the MORE you … Read more

Are You On The Path To Your “Ultimate Life Success” ?

“There is a path of least resistance that, when you get on the vibe of it, it lights up, and that’s not effort. It’s alignment. Any time you’re feeling satisfaction, you’re on the right path. When you get that feeling of satisfaction, or that feeling of exhilaration, or elation, that feeling of wanting something; that … Read more

Give In To The Success of Your Dream

“You have to give in, to your desire. You have to give in to your desire. You can´t let what is- in all it´s frivolous, inaccurate, temporary indicators- you can´t let THAT hold you from your alignment! You GOT TO GO WITH YOUR DESIRE to feel good. Why would you give up on something that matters so much? … Read more