Intuition & Investing

“Earlier this year I became a day trader, and on a cruise a few years ago we had talked about intuition.

When I’m day trading the answer has to be there basically instantaneously and I’ve had that experience where I’ll pull up a chart and know if it’s going up or down.

But I’m trying to have more frequency in that, and is it just that I’m saying too frequently “where’s this going, where’s this going, where’s this going ?” And I need to be closer to a meditative state because the Universe already knows what my question is and where it’s going ?”

Check out the answer from our favourite law of attraction teachers Abraham Hicks  💫🌏

If you are looking for investment strategies to help you come out of this downtime stronger than ever…..

Our friend Minesh Bhindi at Perfect Portfolio has put together a brand new on-demand training on how to instantly start profiting during the market’s huge corona-crash, without picking stocks & risking your future financial security…”

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*Image by Mediamodifier on Pixabay*

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