You Can Trust

“You can TRUST, that everything that you lived has made a magnificent vibrational escrow. And you can TRUST, that law of attraction is calling you towards it. You are doing extremely well! And we are not wanting to put a damper on your enthusiasm for life AT ALL. But we DO want you to act … Read more

How Do You Squelch a Dream?

“How does somebody squelch a dream? The only possible way that you can squelch a dream is by offering a vibration in opposition to it and practicing the opposing vibration, so that it´s so big, that it´s always present. But now let´s say it in a more vivid real way: “I haven´t been squelching my … Read more

The Satisfaction of Flowing Energy

“We just want to convince you in the satisfaction of flowing the energy. Yes! the manifestation will follow, but if the manifestation is secondary and the flowing of the energy is primary to you, then the joy level is gonna go through the roof, the manifestations will follow along naturally, you will feel more up … Read more

If You Would Just Appreciate

“If you could just get in the habit of appreciating every chance you get, you would be in the place of allowing so much good to flow into your experience, people who watch you would be sure that you had been granted a pass of well-being, before you were even born. They would flock to … Read more